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DATE : 16-03-13 12:39
A method for coating fucoidan onto bare metal stent and in vivo evaluation.
 WRITER : stent
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   B61._Pro_in_Organic_Coat._2015;78_1_348-356..pdf (3.2M) [1] DATE : 2016-03-13 12:39:42
B61. Kim JM, Bae IH, Lim KS, Park JK, Park DS, Lee SY, Jang EJ, Ji MS, Sim DS, Hong YJ, Ahn Y, Park JC, Cho JG, Kang JC, Kim IS, Jeong MH; A method for coating fucoidan onto bare metal stent and in vivo evaluation. Pro in Organic Coat. 2015;78(1)348-356.

propertiessuch as insoluble in water, fragmentation and deactivation easily. The aim of this study was to optimizethe coating conditions for fucoidan on a bare metal stent (BMS), and to evaluate the inhibitory effect ofa fucoidan-coated stent on in-stent restenosis (ISR). Three different coating approaches were attempted(designated as multi-layer coating, single-layer coating, and dual coating). Unlike other approaches, it washard to notice the irregular, blotched or the cracks area in the polymer on the BMS surface in dual coatinggroup. And the release of fucoidan was continued to 24 h and inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation,when compared to the control, with approximately 42.7% at 3 days and 51.3% at 7 days of culture. Inanimal study using rabbit iliac artery, histopathological restenosis area were smaller in fucoidan-coatedgroup compared to BMS group (38.6%, p = 0.062 in 148. 9  g/stent, and 40.6%, p = 0.048 in 250  g/stentof fucoidan coating group at 4 weeks of post-implantation) and a lower degree of strut coverage wereshown in the fucoidan-coated stent group, as compared to the BMS group. These results suggest that dualcoating is an appropriate method for fucoidan coating on BMS, and its inhibitory effect can be utilizedfor the suppression of ISR.