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DATE : 16-03-13 12:41
Reliable femoral chronic total occlusion model using a thin biodegradable polymer coated copper stent in a porcine model.
 WRITER : stent
HIT : 1,777  
   B63._J_Mater_Sci_Mater_Med._2015;26_4_172-178..pdf (1.6M) [0] DATE : 2016-03-13 12:41:08
B63. Kim NY, Lim KS, Jeong MH, Bae IH, Park JK, Nah JW, Park DS, Lee SY, Jang EJ, Kim JM, Kim JH, Kee HJ, Cho SN, Sim DS, Park KH, Hong YJ, Oh SG, Kim SH, Ahn Y, Kang JC; Reliable femoral chronic total occlusion model using a thin biodegradable polymer coated copper stent in a porcine model. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2015;26(4)172-178.

Chronic total occlusions (CTOs) are common in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). This study aimed to examine the feasibility and reliability of a CTO induced by a thin biodegradable polymer (polyglycolic acid) coated copper stent in a porcine femoral artery. Novel thin biodegradable polymer coated copper stents (9 mm long) were crimped on an angioplasty balloon (4.5 mm diameter × 12 mm length) and inserted into the femoral artery. Histopathologic analysis was performed 35 days after stenting. In five of six stented femoral arteries, severe in-stent restenosis and total occlusion with collateral circulation were observed without adverse effects such as acute stent thrombosis, leg necrosis, or death at 5 weeks. Fibrous tissue deposition, small vascular channels, calcification, and inflammatory cells were observed in hematoxylin-eosin, Carstair's, and von Kossa tissue stains; these characteristics were similar to pathological findings associated with CTOs in humans. The neointima volume measured by micro-computed tomography was 93.9 ± 4.04 % in the stented femoral arteries. CTOs were reliably induced by novel thin biodegradable polymer coated copper stents in porcine femoral arteries. Successful induction of CTOs may provide a practical understanding of their formation and application of an interventional device for CTO treatment.