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DATE : 16-03-13 12:24
A Reliable porcine coronary model of chronic total occlusion using copper wirestents and bioabsorbable levo-polylactic acid polymer.
 WRITER : stent
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   B43._J_Cardiol._2012;60_6_443-447..pdf (997.3K) [0] DATE : 2016-03-13 12:24:02
B43. Sim DS, Jeong MH, Cha KR, Park SH, Park JO, Shin YM, Shin H, Hong YJ, Ahn Y,Schwartz RS, Kang JC.; A Reliable porcine coronary model of chronic total occlusion using copper wirestents and bioabsorbable levo-polylactic acid polymer. J Cardiol. 2012;60(6)443-447.

BACKGROUND: Chronic total occlusion (CTO) remains a challenge in interventionalcardiology. We investigated the feasibility and reliability of copper wire stents and levo-polylactic acid (l-PLA) as a means of CTO induction in a porcine model.
METHODS AND RESULTS: In one group of 20 swine, copper stents were crimped on a 3.0mm angioplasty balloon and inserted into the mid-left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). In the other group of 20 swine, l-PLA was wrapped on a guidewire and pushed into the distal LAD with a 3.0mm balloon catheter to induce embolization. Of 20 swine which underwent copper stent implantation, 13 died ofstent thrombosis. In the remaining 7 swine, total or near total occlusion with collateral circulation was observed at 5 weeks. Of 20 swine which underwent l-PLAembolization, 4 died of ventricular fibrillation during or shortly after the procedure. Serial histopathologic studies showed complete absorption of the polymer with replacement by fibrotic tissue approximately 4 weeks following the polymer implantation.
CONCLUSIONS: CTO could be reliably induced in porcine coronary arteries by copperstents and l-PLA. These models may support investigation of new percutaneous devices to facilitate CTO interventions.