Basic Research

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Total 107
62 Mechanical behavior and in vivo properties of newly designed… stent 03-13 1672
61 A method for coating fucoidan onto bare metal stent and in v… stent 03-13 2334
60 Biodegradable Polymer-Based Sirolimus Coating Stent in a Por… stent 03-13 1820
59 In vivo evaluation and characterization of a bio-absorbable … stent 03-13 1577
58 Comparison of Sirolimus Loaded PLGA-PEG Co-polymer Coronary … stent 03-13 1705
57 Effect of polymer-free TiO2 stent coated with abciximab or a… stent 03-13 1670
56 Effect of atorvastatin-eluting stents in a rabbit iliac arte… stent 03-13 1610
55 Histopathological Comparison among Biolimus, Zotarolimus and… stent 03-13 1490
54 Novel abciximab-Kruppel-like factor 4-plasmid dual-delivery … stent 03-13 1591
53 Histopathological Analysis of Drug-Eluting Stents in a Porci… stent 03-13 1502
52 A bumpy and winding but right path to domestic drug-eluting … stent 03-13 1507
51 Mechanical and Histopathological Comparison between Commerci… stent 03-13 1476
50 Cilostazol protects vessels against hyperglycemic injury and… stent 03-13 1498
49 The impact of triple anti-platelet therapy for endothelializ… stent 03-13 1466
48 New drug-eluting stents to prevent stent thrombosis and rest… stent 03-13 1634
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