Basic Research

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32 The Inhibitory Effect of Double Coating with Echinomycin and… stent 03-13 1512
31 Experience with Endothelial Progenitor Cell Capturing Aptame… stent 03-13 1422
30 Preparation of biocompatible stent surface by plasma polymer… stent 03-13 1514
29 Inflammation and delayed endothelization with overlapping dr… 스텐트 03-13 1453
28 Re-endothelization and Inflammatory Reaction at Site of Over… stent 03-13 1473
27 The effects of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in bare… stent 03-13 1441
26 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Abciximab-Coated Stent in a Porc… stent 03-13 1503
25 The Inhibition of Neointima Hyperplasia with 17-beta Estradi… stent 03-13 1505
24 The Effect of Oral Administration of Alpha Lipoic Acid and A… stent 03-13 1520
23 The Relationship between Neointima Formation and Inflammatio… stent 03-13 1484
22 New Drug-Eluting Stents. 스텐트 03-13 1539
21 The Effects of Abciximab(ReoPro®)-Coated Stents on Extracel… stent 03-13 1534
20 Effect of anti-oxidant (carvedilol and probucol) loaded sten… stent 03-13 1535
19 Local RAD 50 gene delivery induces regression of preformed p… stent 03-13 1527
18 The effect of the carvedilol-loaded BiodivYsioTM DD stent on… stent 03-13 1618
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