DATE : 16-03-13 11:48
The preventive effects of the heparin-coated coronary stent in a porcine coronary stent restenosis model.
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B7._Korean_J_Med_2001;57_1_42-51..pdf (2.1M) [0] DATE : 2016-03-13 11:48:11 |
B7. Kim JW, Jeong MH, Kim SH, Cho JH, Ahn Y, Park JH, Cho JG, Park CS, Juhng SW, Park JC, Kang JC; The preventive effects of the heparin-coated coronary stent in a porcine coronary stent restenosis model. Korean J Med 2001;57(1)42-51.
Background : The coronary stent reduces acute coronary arterial occlusion and late restenosis during and after coronary intervention. However, stent thrombosis and restenosis are still major limitations in wide spread use of coronary stent. Local drug delivery with use of heparin-coated stent will be a new approach reducing the incidence of stent thrombosis and restenosis . In order to evaluate the effects of heparin-coated stent on stent restenosis, heparin-coated stent s were compared with control stents in a porcine coronary stent restenosis model.
Methods : Stent over dilation injury (stent: artery=1.3:1.0) was performed with bare Wiktor (Group I, n=10)and heparin- coated Wiktor (Group II, n =20) stents (HEPAMEDTM, Medtronics, U.S.A.) in porcine coronary arteries . Follow - up quantita tive coronary angiography(QCA) was performed at 4weeks after stenting and histopathologic assessments of stented porcine coronary arteries were compared in both groups .
Results : 1) On QCA, per cent diameter stenosis was significantly higher in Group I than in Grou p II (16.3±6.62% vs . 9.6±5.06%, p< 0.05). 2) Injury score of stent ed porcine coronary artery was not different in both groups (1.26±0.23 vs. 1.20±0.22). 3) Pathologic area stenosis of stented artery was higher in Group I than in Group II(41.6±12.5% vs . 27.1±9.9% , p< 0.005). 4) Neointimal are a wash ig her in Group I than in Group II (4.58±1.41 mm2 v s . 2.57±1.07 mm 2, p< 0.05). 5) By immunohistochemistry , prolife rating cell nuclear an ti gen (PCNA) index washig h er in Group I compared with in Group II (11.2±6.75% v s . 6.3±4.14% , p< 0.05).
Conclusions : Heparin-coated s tent is effective in the prevention of late coronary stent restenosis in a porcine coronary stent restenosis model, which may be related with the inhibition of neoint ima l cell proliferation.