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DATE : 16-03-13 11:50
The Effects of 166Ho-Loaded Radioactive Stent in a Porcine Model.
 WRITER : stent
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   B9._Korean_Circulation_J_2002;32_6_479-484.pdf (5.8M) [0] DATE : 2016-03-13 11:50:49
B9. Lee DC, Jeong MH, Kim KH, Lee HS, Bom HS, Hong YD, Choi SJ,  Park KB, Kim EH, Cho JG, Park JC, Kang JC; The Effects of 166Ho-Loaded Radioactive Stent in a Porcine Model. Korean Circulation J 2002;32(6)479-484.

Background and Objectives:Vascular brachytherpy known to be an effective method in the prevention of restenosis following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). In this study we observed the effects of a radioisotope-loaded stent in a porcine model.
Materials and Methods:Holmium-166 (166Ho) was loaded onto the stent surface using impregnated polyurethane, and placed the stents into 7 porcine coronary arteries. Four weeks after stent overdilation injury, histopathological examination was performed.
Results:The absorbed dose of 166Ho to the coronary artery, from the 158.5±140.9 μCi 166Ho stent, was about 141 Gy at a depth of 0.5 mm, which was calculated by Monte Carlo EGS 4 Code. The mean external, and internal elastic lamina areas, the luminal and neointimal areas and the histopathological area stenosis in the 7 porcine coronary arteries were 7.6±2.8 mm2, 4.7±1.6 mm2, 2.4±1.4 mm2, 2.3±1.6 mm2 and 49.4±24.9%, respectively. The histopathological findings revealed remarkable inflammatory reactions and thrombosis in two of the porcine coronary arteries.
Conclusion:166Ho radioactive loaded stents, using impregnated polyurethane, may inhibit neointimal hyperplasia, but the problems of stent thrombosis and inflammation should be solved.