DATE : 16-03-13 12:14
Preparation of a dual-drug-eluting stent by grafting of ALA with Abciximab on a bare metal stent.
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B33._J._Mater._Chem.,_2009;19_43_8135-8141..pdf (510.1K) [0] DATE : 2016-03-13 12:14:25 |
B33. Song SJ, Kim KS, Park YJ, Jeong MH, Ko YM, Cho DL; Preparation of a dual-drug-eluting stent by grafting of ALA with Abciximab on a bare metal stent. J. Mater. Chem. 2009;19(43)8135-8141.
The preparation of a dual-drug-eluting stent was investigated by grafting a-lipoic acid (ALA) with abciximab on a bare metal stent coated with a polymer layer by plasma polymerization of 1,2-diaminocyclohexane (DACH). The plasma polymerization was carried out at 100W for 5 min and then at 60 W for 15 min. ALA and abciximab were grafted to the polymer layer after activating in 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide methiodide. The amounts of grafted and released ALA and abciximab were affected by the grafting pattern. When the grafting reaction proceeded in a mixed solution of ALA and abciximab, the amount of grafted ALA was much larger than that of grafted abciximab, and the amount of not only abciximab, but also ALA, released was small. When the grafting reaction was started with the abciximab solution, and the ALA solution was added after a time interval, the amount of grafted abciximab increased and the released amount also increased not only for abciximab, but also for ALA. The released amount of abciximab increases with time while the released amount of ALA decreases with time. Approximately 150 mg of abciximab and 114 mg of ALA were grafted to a stent surface with a smooth and uniform surface morphology, and grafted with 10-min time interval: they were released continuously for 3 weeks in the in vitro drug-release test.
The drug-eluting stent showed high blood compatibility in the in vitro platelet adhesion test.