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DATE : 16-03-14 14:36
Successful treatment of a ruptured subclavian artery aneurysm presenting as hemoptysis with a covered stent.
 WRITER : stent
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   C165._Chonnam_Med_J._2014;50_2_70-73..pdf (3.3M) [0] DATE : 2016-03-14 14:36:09
C165. Kim SS, Jeong MH, Kim JE, Yim YR, Park HJ, Lee SH, Rhew SH, Jeong YW, Kim JH, Cho JG, Park JC; Successful treatment of a ruptured subclavian artery aneurysm presenting as hemoptysis with a covered stent. Chonnam Med J. 2014;50(2)70-73.

An aneurysm of the subclavian artery is rare. Recently, we experienced a case of a ruptured subclavian artery aneurysm presenting as hemoptysis. The patient had experienced atypical chest discomfort, and computed tomography (CT) revealed a small aneurysm of the left subclavian artery (SCA). Hemoptysis occurred 2 weeks later. Follow-up CT showed a ruptured aneurysm at the proximal left SCA. Endovascular treatment with a graft stent was performed by bilateral arterial access with a 12-Fr introducer sheath placed via cutdown of the left axillary artery and an 8-Fr sheath in the right femoral artery. A self-expandable Viabahn covered stent measuring 13×5 mm was introduced retrogradely via the left axillary sheath and was positioned under contrast guidance with an 8-Fr JR4 guide through the femoral sheath. After the procedure, hemoptysis was not found, and the 3-month follow-up CT showed luminal patency of the left proximal SCA and considerable reduction of the hematoma.