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DATE : 16-03-14 14:16
Outcomes after unrestricted use of everolimus-eluting and sirolimus-eluting stents in routine clinical practice: a multicenter, prospective cohort study.
 WRITER : stent
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   C130._Circ_Cardiovasc_Interv._2012;5_3_365-371..pdf (810.9K) [0] DATE : 2016-03-14 14:16:18
C130. Park DW, Kim YH, Song HG, Ahn JM, Kim WJ, Lee JY, Kang SJ, Lee SW, Lee CW, Park SW, Yun SC, Her SH, Hur SH, Park JS, Kim MK, Choi YS, Kim HS, Cho JH, Lee SG, Park YW, Jeong MH, Lee BK, Lee NH, Lim DS, Yoon J, Seung KB, Shin WY, Rha SW, Kim KS, Tahk SJ, Park BE, Ahn T, Yang JY, Jeong YS, Rhew JH, Park SJ; Outcomes after unrestricted use of everolimus-eluting and sirolimus-eluting stents in routine clinical practice: a multicenter, prospective cohort study. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2012;5(3)365-371.

BACKGROUND: It remains unclear whether there are differences in the safety and efficacy outcomes between everolimus-eluting stents (EES) and sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) in contemporary practice.
METHODS AND RESULTS: We prospectively enrolled 6166 consecutive patients who received EES (3081 patients) and SES (3085 patients) between April 2008 and June 2010, using data from the Interventional Cardiology Research In-Cooperation Society-Drug-Eluting Stents Registry. The primary end point was a composite of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), or target-vessel revascularization (TVR). At 2 years of follow-up, the 2 study groups did not differ significantly in crude risk of the primary end point (12.1% for EES versus 12.4% for SES; HR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.84-1.12, P=0.66). After adjustment for differences in baseline risk factors, the adjusted risk for the primary end point remained similar for the 2 stent types (HR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.82-1.12, P=0.60). There were also no differences between the stent groups in the adjusted risks of the individual component of death (HR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.67-1.30, P=0.68), MI (HR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.79-1.18, P=0.74), and TVR (HR, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.82-1.49, P=0.51). The adjusted risk of stent thrombosis also was similar (HR, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.47-2.84, P=0.75).
CONCLUSIONS: In contemporary practice of percutaneous coronary intervention procedures, the unrestricted use of EES and SES showed similar rates of safety and efficacy outcomes with regard to death, MI, sent thrombosis, and TVR. Future longer-term follow-up is needed to better define the relative benefits of these drug-eluting stents.