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작성일 : 21-06-10 11:08
논문번호 267
논문제목(영문) Beta-Blocker and Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitor Combination Therapy in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Prediabetes or Diabetes Who Underwent Successful Implantation of Newer-Generation Drug-Eluting Stents
국내외구분 국외 SCI여부 SCI(E)
연구책임자역할 공저자
주저자명 Kim YH, Her AY
교신저자명 Kim YH
공동저자명 Jeong MH, Kim BK, Hong SJ, Kim S, Ahn CM, Kim JS, Ko YG, Choi D, Hong MK, Jang Y
게제년월일 2020-11-01
ISSN 2077-0383
Impact Factor 3.303
서지사항 0집 / 9권 / 11호,   페이지(1 - 18)
(Abstract) 입력
Long-term clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and prediabetes or diabetes who received ss-blockers (BB) and renin-angiotensin system inhibitor (RASI) therapy after successful newer-generation drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation are limited. We compared the two-year clinical outcomes in such patients. A total of 9466 patients with AMI in the Korea AMI Registry were classified into six groups according to their glycemic status and presence or absence of BB + RASI therapy: normoglycemia and BB + RASI users (n = 2217) or nonusers (n = 243), prediabetes and BB + RASI users (n = 2601) or nonusers (n = 306), and diabetes and BB + RASI users (n = 3682) or nonusers (n = 417). The primary endpoint was major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) defined as all-cause death, recurrent myocardial infarction (Re-MI), or any repeat revascularization, and the secondary endpoint was the cumulative incidence of hospitalization for heart failure (HHF). In patients with BB + RASI, despite similar primary and secondary clinical points between the prediabetes and diabetes groups, the cumulative incidence of Re-MI (adjusted hazard ratio: 1.660; 95% confidence interval: 1.000-2.755; p = 0.020) was higher in the diabetes group than in the prediabetes group. In all three different glycemic groups, BB + RASI users showed reduced MACEs, cardiac death, and HHF compared to those of BB + RASI nonusers. In this retrospective observational registry study, BB + RASI therapy showed comparable clinical outcomes except for Re-MI between prediabetes and diabetes in patients with AMI during a two-year follow-up period.
파일  C267. Beta-Blocker and Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitor Combination Therapy ~.pdf (1.2M) DATE : 2021-06-10 11:08:49