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논문번호 275
논문제목(영문) Differential Factors for Predicting Outcomes in Left Main versus Non-Left Main Coronary Bifurcation Stenting.
국내외구분 국외 SCI여부 SCI(E)
연구책임자역할 공저자
주저자명 Cha JJ
교신저자명 Hong SJ
공동저자명 Joo HJ, Park JH, Yu CW, Ahn TH, Kim HS, Chun WJ, Hur SH, Han SH, Rha SW, Chae IH, Jeong JO, Heo JH, Yoon J, Choi KH, Song YB, Gwon HC, Park JS, Hong MK, Doh JH, Cha KS, Kim DI, Lee SY, Chang K, Hwang BH, Choi SY, Jeong MH, Nam CW, Koo BK, Lim DS
게제년월일 2021-06-01
ISSN 2077-0383
Impact Factor 3.9
학술지명 Journal of clinical medicine.
서지사항 0집 / 10권 / 14호,   페이지(3024 - 3024)
(Abstract) 입력
Background: No large-scale study has compared the clinical and angiographic predictors of cardiovascular events in patients with left main bifurcation (LMB) and non-LMB stenting after second-generation DES implantation. Herein, we investigated differential clinical and angiographic factors for predicting outcomes in LMB versus non-LMB stenting.

Methods: A total of 2648 patients with bifurcation lesions treated with second-generation DESs from the retrospective patient cohort were divided into an LMB group (n = 935) and a non-LMB group (n = 1713). The primary outcome was the 7-year incidence of target lesion failure (TLF), defined as the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and target lesion revascularization.

Results: The incidence of TLF was 9.8%. Those in the LMB group were associated with a higher risk of TLF (14.2% versus 7.5%, p < 0.001) than those in the non-LMB group. Regarding the LMB group, independent predictors of TLF were chronic kidney disease (CKD), reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and two-stenting. Regarding the non-LMB group, CKD, reduced LVEF, old age, diabetes, and small diameter of the main vessel stent were independent predictors of TLF.

Conclusions: The two-stent strategy could potentially increase TLF for the LMB lesions, and achieving the maximal diameter of the main vessel stent could result in better clinical outcomes for non-LMB lesions.
파일  C275.pdf (725.3K) DATE : 2024-06-18 07:32:41