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162 Successful Stent Implantation for Aortoiliac Bifurcation Ste… Jang S Jeong MH Korean Circ J
161 Relation between renal function and neointimal tissue charac… Hong YJ Jeong MH Journal of cardiology
160 Everolimus-eluting versus sirolimus-eluting coronary stents … Kang SH Kim HS EuroIntervention
159 Differential prognostic impact of treatment strategy among p… Song YB Gwon HC JACC. Cardiovascular interventions
158 Clinical outcomes of everolimus- and zotarolimus-eluting ste… Cho SC Jeong MH Journal of Cardiology
157 Optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-elu… Lee CW, Ahn JM Park SJ Circulation
156 Comparison of zotarolimus- and everolimus-eluting stents in … Ahmed K Jeong MH Journal of Cardiology
155 Trial of everolimus-eluting stents or bypass surgery for cor… Park SJ Park SJ The New England journal of medicine
154 A prospective, randomized comparison of promus everolimus-el… Kim U Kim YJ Journal of Korean medical science
153 Clinical outcomes of stent thrombosis after drug-eluting cor… Kim IS Jang SJ Korean Contents
152 Study design and rationale of Youn YJ Yoon J American heart journal
151 Drug eluting stent implantation in patients requiring concom… Sabaté M, Sabaté M, International Journal of Cardiology
150 Long-term clinical outcomes of the one-stent technique versu… Koh YS Seung KB Journal of interventional cardiology
149 A patient with repeated catastrophic multi-vessel coronary s… Rhew SH Ahn Y Korean Circ J
148 Clinical, angiographic, and intravascular ultrasound predict… Hong YJ Jeong MH International journal of cardiology
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