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논문번호 7
논문제목(영문) The effects of therapeutic duration of combined anti-platelets, aspirin and ticlopidine, on coronary stent restenosis.
국내외구분 국내 SCI여부 SCI(E)
연구책임자역할 교신저자
주저자명 Kim NH
교신저자명 Jeong MH
공동저자명 Kim NH, Jeong MH, Cha KS, Park JC, Seo JP, Bae Y, Ahn Y, Park JH, Cho JG, Park JC, Kang JC, Park OK;
게제년월일 1998-03-31
ISSN 1738-5520
Impact Factor 0.753
학술지명 Korean Circulation J
서지사항 0집 / 28권 / 3호,   페이지(373 - 381)
(Abstract) 입력
Background:One of most important mechanisms of coronary stent restenosis is neointimal hyperplasia. Although the process of neointima formation is not fully understood, a special role has been advocated for adherent platelets. Previous studies have shown a clear benefit with combined antiplatelet therapy such as aspirin plus ticlopidine in reducing the rate of thrombotic occlusions of stented vessels. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of duration of antiplatelet regimens on coronary stent restenosis.
Methods:After successful placement of coronary artery stents in 222 patients, we performed follow-up coronary angiograms in 99 patients(42.3%). Forty-six patients were randomly assigned to receive aspirin and ticlopidine for four weeks(Group Ⅰ:54±9 years:M 38, F 8) and 48 patients for 6 months(Group Ⅱ:58±8 years:M 38, F 10).
Results:There were no significant differences in clinical and procedural variables or coronary lesion characteristics before and after stenting. At 6 months after stenting, minimal luminal diameter was 2.16±0.93mm in Group Ⅰ and 2.04±1.07mm in Group Ⅱ(p=0.57). Late lumen loss was 0.80±1.07mm in Group Ⅰ and 0.92±1.11mm(p=0.58) in Group Ⅱ. The stent restenosis rate of Group Ⅰ at 28.3% and that of Group Ⅱ at 29.2% were not statistically significant between the two groups(p=0.92).
파일  C7. Korean Circulation J 1998;28(3)373-381..pdf (323.4K) DATE : 2016-03-13 19:40:20