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작성일 : 16-03-13 21:25
논문번호 40
논문제목(영문) A Successful Stenting of the Coarctation of the Distal Thoracic Aorta (Middle Aortic Syndrome) in an Adult.
국내외구분 국내 SCI여부 SCI(E)
연구책임자역할 교신저자
주저자명 Lim JH
교신저자명 Jeong MH
공동저자명 Lim JH, Jeong MH, Park WS, Rhew JY, Moon Y, Kim W, Hong YJ, Park HW, Kim HG, Park OY, Kim JH, Ahn, YK, Cho JG, Park JC, Kang JC;
게제년월일 2003-09-15
ISSN 1738-5520
Impact Factor 0.753
학술지명 Korean Circulation J
서지사항 0집 / 34권 / 4호,   페이지(420 - 424)
(Abstract) 입력
An isolated coarctation of the lower descending thoracic aorta in adults is a very rare vascular disorder. To the best of our knowledge, the treatment of a coarctation of the descending aorta (middle aortic syndrome) in an adult, using stenting, has never been reported in Korea. A 44 year-old male, suffering from claudication of the both legs for 25 years, was admitted to our hospital. An aortogram revealed a coarctation of the distal thoracic aorta at the T11 level, with a 60 mmHg peak systolic pressure gradient across the lesion. A balloon angioplasty, followed by an 18x40 mm stent implantation, was performed successfully. The peak systolic pressure gradient decreased from 60 mmHg to 15 mmHg. The patient's symptom was relieved after stenting, with no significant adverse events observed during a three-month clinical follow-up.
파일  C40.+Korean+Circulation+J+2004;34(4)420-424..pdf (706.4K) DATE : 2021-05-21 16:25:43