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12 The effects of anti-platelet agents in preventing coronary s… Bae Y Jeong MH Korean Circulation J
11 Clinical experiences of coronary MAC (Maximum Arterial Re-Cr… Kim SH Jeong MH Korean Circulation J
10 A case of successful coronary stenting in a ninety three-yea… Kang KT Jeong MH Korean Circulation J
9 Immediate results after crossflex stent implantation. CrossFlex Stent Study Group Park SJ Korean Circulation J
8 Successful management of intractable coronary spasm by a cor… Cho JH Jeong MH Korean Circulation J
7 The effects of therapeutic duration of combined anti-platele… Kim NH Jeong MH Korean Circulation J
6 Predictive for in-stent restenosis after coronary Microstent… Kang KT Jeong MH Korean Circulation J
5 The effects of local nitric oxide donor delivery in stented … Jeong MH Kang JC Korean Circulation J
4 Early outcome of long coronary stent implantation. Cha KS Park OK Korean Circulation J
3 Gianturco-Roubin coronary stenting: Analysis of multicenter … Coronary stenting study groups Coronary stenting study groups Korean Circulation J
2 Palmaz-schatz coronary stenting : Analysis of multicenter re… Coronary Stenting Study Groups Coronary Stenting Study Groups Korean Circulation J
1 Clinical study for coronary artery stenting. Jeong MH Kang JC Korean Circulation J