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논문제목(영문) Impact of plaque components on no-reflow phenomenon after stent deployment in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound analysis.
국내외구분 국외 SCI여부 SCI(E)
연구책임자역할 교신저자
주저자명 Hong YJ
교신저자명 Jeong MH
공동저자명 Hong YJ, Jeong MH, Choi YH, Ko JS, Lee MG, Kang WY, Lee SE, Kim SH, Park KH, Sim DS, Yoon NS, Youn HJ, Kim KH, Park HW, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Cho JG, Park JC, Kang JC;
게제년월일 2009-01-12
ISSN 0195-668X
Impact Factor 15.203
학술지명 European heart journal
서지사항 0집 / 32권 / 16호,   페이지(2059 - 2066)
(Abstract) 입력
We used virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) to evaluate the relation between coronary plaque characteristics and no-reflow in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients.
A total of 190 consecutive ACS patients were imaged using VH-IVUS and analysed retrospectively. Angiographic no-reflow was defined as TIMI flow grade 0, 1, and 2 after stenting. Virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound classified the colour-coded tissue into four major components: fibrotic, fibro-fatty, dense calcium, and necrotic core (NC). Thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) was defined as focal, NC-rich (≥10% of the cross-sectional area) plaques being in contact with the lumen in a plaque burden≥40%. Of the 190 patients studied at pre-stenting, no-reflow was observed in 24 patients (12.6%) at post-stenting. The absolute and %NC areas at the minimum lumen sites (1.6±1.2 vs. 0.9±0.8 mm2, P<0.001, and 24.5±14.3 vs. 16.1±10.6%, P=0.001, respectively) and the absolute and %NC volumes (30±24 vs. 16±17 mm3, P=0.001, and 22±11 vs. 14±8%, P<0.001, respectively) were significantly greater, and the presence of at least one TCFA and multiple TCFAs within culprit lesions (71 vs. 36%, P=0.001, and 38 vs. 15%, P=0.005, respectively) was significantly more common in the no-reflow group compared with the normal-reflow group. In the multivariable analysis, %NC volume was the only independent predictor of no-reflow (odds ratio=1.126; 95% CI 1.045-1.214, P=0.002).
In ACS patients, post-stenting no-reflow is associated with plaque components defined by VH-IVUS analysis with larger NC and more TCFAs.
파일  C100.+Eur+Heart+J.+2011;32(16)2059-2066..pdf (347.8K) DATE : 2021-05-25 14:25:34