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222 Incremental age-related one-year MACCE after acute myocardia… Dae-Won Kim Sung-Ho Her Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
221 Impact of current smoking on 2-year clinical outcomes betwee… Yong Hoon Kim Ae-Young Her plos one
220 10-Year Outcomes of Stents Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Gra… Duk-Woo Park Seung-Jung Park Journal of the American College of Cardiology
219 Comparison of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and a… Jae Kyeong Byun Seung-Woon Rha Atherosclerosis
218 Optimal drug-eluting stent implantation with the aid of opt… Yongcheol Kim Myung Ho Jeong CARDIOLOGY JOURNAL
217 Two‑year clinical outcomes of zotarolimus‑ and everolimu… Yong Hoon Kim, Ae-Young He Yong Hoon Kim HEART AND VESSELS
216 Thyroid stimulating hormone elevation as a predictor of long… Suk Min Seo Yoon-Seok Koh CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY
215 Results of a 10-Year Experience in Korea Using Drug-Eluting … Yongcheol Kim Myung Ho Jeong AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY
214 Improvement in Left Ventricular Function with Intracoronary … Su Hyun Kim Jang Hyun Cho Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
213 Intravascular Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Coronary Inter… Yongcheol Kim Myung Ho Jeong KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL
212 Risk Scoring System to Assess Outcomes in Patients Treated … Pil Sang Song Seung-Hyuk Cho KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL
211 Spontaneous Huge Subdural Spine Hematoma in a Patient Recei… Xiongyi Han Myung Ho Jeong Chonnam medical journal.
210 Utility of GRACE and ACUITY-HORIZONS risk scores to guide du… Doo Sun Sim Myung Ho Jeong JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY
209 Comparison of short-term clinical outcomes between Resolute … Kim Y, Oh SS Jeong MH Cardiology journal
208 The role of optical coherence tomography in the setting of a… Kim Y Jeong MH Journal of cardiology
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