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논문제목(영문) Relation between renal function and neointimal tissue characteristics after drug-eluting stent implantation: virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound analysis.
국내외구분 국외 SCI여부 SCI(E)
연구책임자역할 교신저자
주저자명 Hong YJ
교신저자명 Jeong MH
공동저자명 Hong YJ, Jeong MH, Choi YH, Park SY, Rhew SH, Kim SS, Jeong YW, Jeong HC, Cho JY, Jang SY, Lee KH, Park KH, Sim DS, Yoon NS, Yoon HJ, Kim KH, Park HW, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Cho JG, Park JC;
게제년월일 2013-11-27
ISSN 0914-5087
Impact Factor 2.782
학술지명 Journal of cardiology
서지사항 0집 / 64권 / 2호,   페이지(98 - 104)
(Abstract) 입력
Few data are available about neointimal tissue characteristics after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation in patients with decreased renal function. We used virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS) to assess the neointimal tissue characteristics according to the baseline renal function.
We compared neointimal tissue components between patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) [n=19, estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) <60mL/min] and those without CKD (n=229). The region of interest was placed between the luminal border and the inner border of the stent struts and tissue components were reported as percentages of neointimal volume.
Mean follow-up durations between DES implantation and follow-up VH-IVUS study were 12.0±4.1 months in the CKD group and 11.4±5.6 months in the non-CKD group (p=0.519). At follow-up, neointima volume was significantly greater (72±47mm(3) vs. 47±26 mm(3), p<0.001) and %neointima necrotic core (NC) volume was significantly greater (25.0±11.4% vs. 17.9±10.2%, p=0.012) in the CKD group compared with the non-CKD group. There was negative correlation between CrCl and neointima volume (r=-0.250, p<0.001), however, there was no significant correlation between CrCl and %neointima NC volume (r=-0.034, p=0.591). The only independent predictor of follow-up %neointima NC volume ≥10% was neointima volume (odds ratio 1.025, 95% confidence interval 1.013-1.036, p<0.001).
Renal function was associated with in-stent neointimal growth, but it was not associated with neointima NC formation. Instead, the amount of neointima was associated with more neoatherosclerosis in patients who underwent DES implantation.
파일  C161.+J+Cardiol.+2014;64(2)98-104..pdf (1.1M) DATE : 2021-05-26 11:40:50