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논문번호 49
논문제목(영문) The impact of triple anti-platelet therapy for endothelialization and inflammatory response at overlapping bioabsorbable polymer coated drug-eluting stents in a porcine coronary model.
국내외구분 국외 SCI여부 SCI(E)
연구책임자역할 교신저자
주저자명 Park KH
교신저자명 Jeong MH
공동저자명 Park KH, Jeong MH, Kim JM, Park DS, Kim JH, Lim KS, Lee KH, Sim DS, Yoon HJ, Yoon NS, Kim KH, Park HW, Hong YJ, Kim JH, Ahn Y, Cho JG, Park JC, Kang JC.;
게제년월일 2012-12-25
ISSN 0167-5273
Impact Factor 4.036
학술지명 International Journal of Cardiology
서지사항 0집 / 168권 / 3호,   페이지(1853 - 1858)
(Abstract) 입력
BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to evaluate the endothelialization and the inflammatory responses depending on the administration duration of triple anti-platelet therapy at overlapping bioabsorbable polymer coated biolimus-eluting stents (BESs) in a porcine coronary model.
METHODS: We successfully deployed 36 overlapping BESs for the left anterior descending coronary and left circumflex artery or right coronary artery in 18 non-injured pigs. Total pigs were divided into 3 groups (12 overlapping stents of 6 pigs in each group) as follows: group I received aspirin 100mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily for 8 weeks, group II received aspirin 100mg and clopidogrel 75 mg daily for 8 weeks and cilostazol 200mg daily for initial 4 weeks, and group III received aspirin 100mg, clopidogrel 75 mg, and cilostazol 200mg daily for 8 weeks. Follow-up coronary angiograms and histomorphometric and histopahtologic analyses at overlapping and non-overlapping segments were performed respectively.
RESULTS:Inflammation score was similar between overlapping and non-overlapping segments in all pigs (1.2 ± 0.33 vs. 1.1 ± 0.17, p=0.117). The neointima area (NA) and percent area stenosis (%AS) at overlapping segments were not significantly different among the 3 groups. However, at non-overlapping segments, NA and %AS in group III were significantly smaller than those in group I (2.3 ± 0.50mm(2) vs. 1.8 ± 0.43 mm(2), p=0.037; 48.9 ± 12.85% vs. 37.7 ± 9.08%, p=0.031).
CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that BES appears to be reliable on the inflammatory response at overlapping segments as well as non-overlapping segments. Long-term administration of cilostazol is more effective in reducing neointimal formation at non-overlapping segments of BESs in a porcine coronary model.
파일  B49. Int J Cardiol. 2013;168(3)1853-1858..pdf (1.1M) DATE : 2016-03-13 10:11:48