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논문번호 26
논문제목(영문) Anti-inflammatory Effect of Abciximab-Coated Stent in a Porcine Coronary Restenosis Model.
국내외구분 국내 SCI여부 SCI
연구책임자역할 교신저자
주저자명 Hong YJ
교신저자명 Jeong MH
공동저자명 Hong YJ, Jeong MH, Lee SR, Hong SN, Kim KH, Park HW, Kim JH, Kim W, Ahn Y, Cho G, Park JC, Kang JC;
게제년월일 2007-03-23
ISSN 1011-8934
Impact Factor 1.266
학술지명 Journal of Korean medical science
서지사항 0집 / 22권 / 5호,   페이지(802 - 809)
(Abstract) 입력
The aim of this study was to examine the anti-inflammatory effect of abciximab-coated stent in a porcine coronary overstretch restenosis model. Ten abciximab-coated stents, ten sirolimus-eluting stents (SES), and ten paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES) were deployed with oversizing (stent/artery ratio 1.3:1) in porcine coronary arteries, and histopathologic analysis was done at 28 days after stenting. There were no significant differences in the neointima area normalized to injury score and inflammation score among the three stent groups (1.58 +/- 0.43 mm(2), 1.57 +/-0.39 mm(2) in abciximab-coated stent group vs. 1.69 +/- 0.57 mm(2), 1.72 +/- 0.49 mm(2) in the SES group vs. 1.92 +/- 0.86 mm(2), 1.79 +/- 0.87 mm(2) in the PES group, respectively). In the neointima, most inflammatory cells were lymphohistiocytes. Significant positive correlations were found between the extent of inflammatory reaction and the neointima area (r=0.567, p<0.001) and percent area stenosis (r=0.587, p<0.001). Significant correlations were found between the injury score and neointimal area (r=0.645, p<0.001), between the injury score and the inflammation score (r=0.837, p<0.001), and between the inflammation score and neointimal area (r=0.536, p=0.001). There was no significant difference in the inflammatory cell counts normalized to injury score among the three stent groups (75.5 +/- 23.1/microL in abciximabcoated stent group vs. 78.8 +/- 33.2/microL in the SES group vs. 130.3 +/- 46.9/microL in the PES group). Abciximab-coated stent showed comparable inhibition of inflammatory cell infiltration and neointimal hyperplasia with other drug-eluting stents in a porcine coronary restenosis model.
파일  B26. J Korean Med Sci. 2007;22(5)802-809..pdf (150.8K) DATE : 2016-03-13 08:02:24